The Mercury News
Want to get inspired for the new year? Commit to try one new thing each month
Shonda Scott, founder of the 12 New Things, swears by this game-changing approach to embracing novelty
[as originally published on]
January is traditionally a time for reflection and resolution. We greet the new year with promises to ourselves to drop pounds, perhaps, go dry or get fit. But what would happen if our goals were more profound than that? What if we resolved to become more exciting or feel more alive?
Oakland entrepreneur Shonda Scott says changes like that are not only possible — she knows how to jump start them.
Trying something new can be daunting. The key, she says — and plenty of psychology research backs her up — is to make friends with novelty. The practice can boost brain flexibility, joy, confidence and one’s sense of purpose, all while reducing stress and negative thinking. It can also help people connect with friends and feel more in the moment.
Scott is the CEO of 360 Total Concept, a management services company whose clients include Uber and Kaiser Permanente. In 2018, she was inducted into the Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame. Scott has been recognized at the national level, too, with presidential appointments from both former President Barack Obama and current President Joe Biden, and earned a lifetime achievement award from Biden last year.
But a personal challenge in 2019 — a resolution to try something new every month for a year — made such a difference in her life, Scott launched the 12 New Things initiative. Now, she’s on a mission to help other people break out of their comfort zones, shake things up and embrace changes of all sorts.
For Scott, that first year turned into five more, as she seeks out new experiences near and far, everything from ziplining and swimming in Mexico’s cenotes to cherry picking in Brentwood. Naturally, we had questions.
Q: What inspired this project?
A: It started with an article I wrote about women and business in 2017. My message was that if you want to see change in your life and in your world, it starts with yourself. To make those changes, I realized (they) need to be fun and exciting, instead of causing anxiety and fear. I thought, if you could do something once a month that you’ve never done before — it can be flexible, it doesn’t have to be done any certain way, just something that’s new and different — that’s more fun and exciting.
You could decide that for the next 30 days, you’re going to drive to work a different route and take the scenic route instead of the congested route, so that when you get to work, you may be more relaxed. You could learn a new hobby. You could learn another language or sign up for a class or discover things that are in your own backyard that you’ve never seen before — like a museum or a new restaurant with new foods and cuisines — and invite your friends to join you… READ MORE